Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights

Session I "Know your constitutional and Discrimination Law Rights" with Breakout sessions

This session will bring together community partners who provide services and experience needed to avoid ending up on the wrong side of the law and for understanding how to successfully navigate the system should you find yourself in it. Register today

Session II "Perspectives and insights on the Michigan Criminal Justice System, helping to combat Misconceptions" with Breakout sessions

This session will bring together top law enforcement officials who will present the facts and share their experiences and known misconceptions that has gotten people in trouble for not knowing he facts. Register today

Session III "How to Successfully Navigate the Criminal Justice System, now that you know your Rights" Open forum to discuss nuances of the two previous sessions

This session will bring back the organizations who presented to continue the conversation with both sides to take what you have learned and probe deeper and get all of your prepared questions answered. Register today

The Intersection of health, weather and crime

The Intersection of health, weather and crime

Is too cliche to say that we are about to hit another new normal? Well, this fall and winter season is stacking up to be just that. Because we know that cold and flew season comes around when the weather gets colder and most human activities are going on inside, it is highly likely that we will see a surge in Covid cases. nobody knows what that is going to look like with there already being an upward trend of new cases, without the flu season hear yet. There should also be added trauma due to the stress of the recent rise in crime, falling economic conditions due to layoffs from the pandemic shut down and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns. We are seeing more and more fires, floods and tornados every year. We seem to be moving into the chicken or the egg experience. Is it the pandemic that is freaking people out, or is it the unemployment that was caused by the pandemic, or is it the symptoms from the pandemic that is causing people not to think straight, make bad decisions and commit crimes, or is the stress of everything got people thinking that we are entering into the zombie apocalypse and they have just gone over the edge. There aren’t even questions as much as rhetorical statements that require no response, because we all know that no one knows. We seem to be in for an extended string of new normals because there is still a whole lot of crazy out there starting all the way at the top and it has been trickling down to the average Joe over the past four years.